Thursday, July 24, 2008

So, I've started an M.L.M radio show on blog talk radio!

Yes, yes world Major League Marketing (MLM) is taking over the airwaves or would that be net waves? Either way, I started the show last Saturday with my first guest Carl Coffin.

The name of the show is called "Network Marketing For Smart People" and I am really excited about this way to reach and help more people. And I'm always looking for great guests. Is that you?

If so hop on over to and leave me a comment or send an email to

Listen in each and every Saturday as we will take live callers for Q and A from marketing newbies and questions alike.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Today It's All About E-books

Today I'm gong to learn how to host download links for ebooks on my site. The site was built using SBI! software platform and I'll post the process and results here.

The first thing I did was upload the .pdf files using the "Special Files" upload button. Then I figured it may be helpful for you if I blogged about it....but I'm pausing now to go shopping and fix my crack berry phone (the track ball won'[t scroll down!! aaargh!).


Online Network Marketing: It's been 5 months so far ...

Officially my website,, has been alive since February 18th, 2008. I though to create this blog before but I was a little busy establishing the foundation of my online marketing (online network marketing more specifically) empire.

At first, I was just looking for a way to turn the tables around in regards to prospecting. I wanted to post a few ads and generate leads for my network marketing business.

I started off using (which is against there policies by the way) with great returns on investment. I would get 7- 12 new leads a day in the first 3 weeks posting an ad. I did a test group in my team with a handle full of leaders to test their results and they were exactly the same!

I figured we were on to something so I started to look for other network markers and network marketing trainers who could teach me and my team what to say when we talking with leads on the phone. Tats when I found Dani Johnson or and Michael oliver from

It became overwhelming to call everyone back in an organized professional way there was just so many people and we didn't know wet the heck we were doing but we were sponsoring a few people.

Then when things started to cool off with craigslist. (their "spider-bot" software started flagging and deleting or ads, which really didn't belong their in the first place) I started looking for more efficient ways of generating a never ending steady stream of qualified prospects.

All those ads I would over look for years like "What Your Upline Didn't Tell You", "7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing" and "Become The Hunted Instead Of The Hunter" started popping up everywhere!

I investigated many programs and lead generation systems and bought a few to give me an understanding of where to start. Many things I found to be way over my head. Others I wasn't sure would for network marketing.

Every nugget of information, especially e FREE stuff :-), I soaked it up like a sponge! Here are some of the things I learned early on were these, to name a few:

1. You must learn real world networking, marketing and sales (and the difference between them) in ways that were NEVER taught to me in my 9 years in the network marketing industry. That includes how to write ads copywriting, creating valuable content, identifying your target market and creating or finding products to better serve that market.

2. It's all about building relationships and adding value to other people's lives first and foremost. You will see yourself as a solutions provider not just a network marketer. Never impose your own views on others for the sake of their own good (which is the common mind set of off line network marketing and even now online) and you will build a huge business.

3. You must find or create a marketing funnel system that with attract, educate and sort your potential prospects while establishing yourself as a leader at the same time.

4. It's not about change more than it is expansion.

From the time I stopped posting of craigslist in early January 2008. I've built and helped build several websites for myself and my growing list of clients which includes representatives from Maleluca, Herballife, YTB, ACN, Pre-Paid Legal, 5linx, Monavie and others.

I'm helping educate and uplift an entire industry across company lines. Informing, enlightening and encouraging others of the ways automated lead generation and InterNetwork marketing is possible for you... and I love what I do!

Just Google me...You'll see!

I'll post from on this blog as i work through ideas and strategies, reviews or products and courses too. In the mean time I'll have Questions and Answers on my other blog and articles on my website and you can subscribe here to my Xtreme MLM Makeover boot camp and subsequent weekly online network marketing newsletter.

My goal here?

I have a few of those too.

One is to create a duplicable, self funding marketing system without having to buy traffic or paying for marketing to the tune of 1000 visitors per day and 10,000 ezine subscribers within a year at this time or writing I am at 22 and 70 respectively to my personal site. I've got my work cut out for me and I'm up for the challenge, are you?

I'm so excited to share this with you, I pray you find value in it.